Since the destruction of the Temple, it is no longer possible to keep Passover – but that does not stop us from joyfully rehearsing the prophetic realities embedded in Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Each year, the Messiah is again typified in the substitutionary offering of “the Lamb of God” – and each year we engage in the dress rehearsal for the most glorious of all upcoming celestial events: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Passover is our yearly opportunity to inspect our own wedding garments and prepare our hearts in anticipation of the last trumpet. One glorious day, in the not-so-distant future, Yahshua will lift a cup of wine for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, and he will commence the pinnacle of all dining experiences with a toast to the Most High Majesty of the Universe. Messiah assured us that this magnificent event would not be compromised by those who had not prepared their garments in advance.
Shaul asserted that the Torah was our schoolmaster to lead us to Messiah. Yet, if we ignore the schoolmaster’s detailed instructions concerning Passover and its meticulous shadow pictures of good things to come, we will never comprehend why Israel was commanded to celebrate the Feasts of the LORDforever – nor will we ever appreciate the ramifications of Yahshua’s fulfillment of Passover or the eternal legality of our redemption.
This year, Michael Rood has elected to be in North America for his traditional Passover in Exile celebration. The past two years have seen packed out venues in both Argentina and South Africa as Lambs, Matzoh, and bitter herbs set the stage for a King’s Feast. Prepare your finest bib and tucker (or Jalibea and Talit, if you prefer ancient Israeli attire) for the dress-up event of a lifetime. Skimp on your wedding if you must. Cut corners on your 50th anniversary if necessary. Postpone your 100th birthday celebration if it interferes, but do not miss Passover in Exile in North America.
Passover is the pinnacle experience recorded in the Gospels, but few in the western Gentile world have a clue as to its beauty, depth, or prophetic significance. Understanding the Messianic significance of Passover opens the door to recognizing the prophetic fulfillment of each one of the Feasts of the LORD – including the book of the Revelation. Passover in Exile will change your perception of the Gospels and the Messiah forever. You, like thousands of others who have attended the non-traditional Passover Seder hosted by Michael Rood, will never be the same. If you desire to move on to the next level, then Charlotte is the place to be this Passover season.
*Quoted with permission from