Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Special Letter from Judith Rood

Dear Torah Fans,

This Shabbat finds us in Costa Rica still. Michael is showing slow improvement. Things have stopped spinning around for him, but everything is still moving in his world. He has begun walking everyday up and down the driveway in front of the house, and he is a real trooper about it because, all the while, he must work hard to maintain his balance as the world undulates around him. The duration of our stay down here is still uncertain as he is restricted from travel for at least two more weeks.

I read your emails to him. He was truly encouraged, not only by your concern and best wishes, but even more, by the fact that your emails and letters come from all over the world, from places he's never been to and may never be able to set his foot. Yet, his message has and still is changing people's lives around the globe just as it has changed yours and mine. It is high tech that enables Michael to connect to the entire world; that is expensive. But, Michael is anointed by YHVH to teach things that will set people free – things that people have been scratching their heads over for many years but can't figure out why or where to begin to start unraveling the morass of inaccurate bible translations, inherited traditions and wrong doctrines. This is the mission that YHVH has given to Michael to do.

But the time is limited. We don't know how many days we have left in our short sojourn here, but every day needs to count. Michael and I are amazed how swiftly the weeks are going by. We intended to come to Costa Rica for only one week, and four weeks have quickly passed.

Michael has been given the gift of extreme drive and overdrive to get the work of the ministry done – so much so, that he pushes his body to exhaustion and sickness. He does his part. But his part is the only part he can do.

For many years, it is you – whose lives have been changed because you can now more clearly see the path – who have understood from YHVH that it is your part to provide the encouragement and support that enables Michael to project his message out to all those who are still scratching their heads out there without answers and to those who haven't even figured out how to formulate the right questions. The body of Messiah is floundering without a compass, and Michael is a vital vessel that can point out true north. This is a critical mission.

Last July, we found out that others thought they could actually make away with the ministry of Michael Rood, as if that were a possibility – as if the substance of Michael's ministry were a corporation. A corporate structure can only be a supporting infrastructure for Michael's ministry. Since that corporate structure and its assets were surreptitiously taken out of Michael's control last July, we have started over without missing a beat because Michael doggedly forges ahead everyday in his ministry – with or without assets – with or without a penny in his pocket. It makes no difference to him, as long as there is anyone on any street corner with whom to talk, Michael is hard at work teaching.

But, the ability to get this message and all of Michael's annointed teachings out far and wide into all the nations where YHVH's people are scattered and lost without the true north of understanding, is dependent upon modern technologies – television, internet, etc., and these require skilled servants who need to support their families, expensive airtime, high tech production equipment, etc.

We have received hundreds of emails over the years from people who tell us how Michael's teachings have literally changed the course of their lives and how grateful and delighted they are. You, yourselves, are among them. This is how Michael knows he must continue without ceasing as relentlessly as he has the energy and the time to press ahead – in easy times and in hard – in plenteous times and in times of dearth.

While here in Costa Rica, Michael is not able to bodily carry on the work of the ministry. He can't even read the shortest document or look at a computer screen without suffering dizziness for hours afterward. But the work and the expenses of the ministry go on. Since July's debacle, the donations from our supporters have been cut in half. Yet, until we fully rebuild, our usual monthly budget is considerably increased by the costs of relocating, retooling, rehiring our faithful staff members who were fired by the mutineers, and re-amassing lost assets that are critical to carry on even the most basic work of the ministry that enables us to redeem the time and reach as many people as we can before the brimstone hits the fan. There are still many new frontiers to conquer in our quest.

Michael and his full-time staff can do our part, but not without your help. You are our partners on the other end. Our management team tells us that we are at a MISSION CRITICAL crossroads. If we don't get the needed help immediately, we will have to cut back on foundational, MISSION CRITICAL outreach. We don't want to do this. We know that you don't want to see us have to do this, either. It took Michael ten years to build a Spanish outreach ministry and to produce the television programs and get them on the air with the world's largest Spanish Christian network – Enlace. That outreach, in a language Michael doesn't even speak, is the very reason we came to be stranded in Costa Rica. And now, because of the devastating attempt to steal Michael's ministry and deliberately sabotage the Enlace project, the entire Spanish outreach and our continued outreach through mass media is in immediate jeopardy. I am not being dramatic, because the drama is actually far greater than I can express in my letter here.

We need serious help and we need it yesterday! We don't want to have to take three steps back to get over this hump. If we pull back from our current course at this juncture, it will take two years before we are back on track again – and we don't have that kind of time to waste while people are drifting off into eternity without a clue. Either people sacrificially step forward and help us, or we'll be forced to draw back from current ministry endeavors.

Michael and I don't believe YHVH wants this to happen, because we are sequestered here getting fresh new revelation, and we are excited about the new ventures that YHVH is leading Michael to pursue. We don't believe He is leading us to cut back on aggressive ministry outreach. If there is anything positive about the attempted takeover last July and about Michael's current illness, it is the forced rest or "short sabbatical" that has allowed him to step back and reevaluate the next phase of his ministry without the dead weight of conflicting agendas, as well as the fresh revelation that he is articulating to me on a daily basis – not to mention the opportunity for Michael and me to take the time to fall completely back in love with each other.

We are asking you to go to our Abba in prayer and ask Him what He will have you to do to help us at this juncture.

Your letters of encouragement mean so much to Michael. Please continue to let him know that you care. I love reading your letters to him. I will update you again next week, and we will be giving you details on the exciting things that Michael has planned for Passover this year.

We need you to help us over this MISSION CRITICAL hump! Thank you for being our partners in the advancement of Messiah's Kingdom around the world!

Judith, Michael and the entire staff of Un Roodo Despertar (Walter and Florence Alpizar, Roberto Umana, Harold and Hazel Caldo, Dr. Miguel Salano and Kernel Rose and his family) 

Bid you all,


P.S. Our Spanish website was just launched this week. Even though you may not understand a single word of it, please stop by for a visit (by selecting the "Spanish" language option at the top of the homepage at MichaelRood.tv), and see what you are helping us to accomplish in the Spanish speaking world. Just as with our English sites, there will be more and more videos and teachings made available on a regular basis if we are allowed to stay the course. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

About Passover in 2011

Since the destruction of the Temple, it is no longer possible to keep Passover – but that does not stop us from joyfully rehearsing the prophetic realities embedded in Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Each year, the Messiah is again typified in the substitutionary offering of “the Lamb of God” – and each year we engage in the dress rehearsal for the most glorious of all upcoming celestial events: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Passover is our yearly opportunity to inspect our own wedding garments and prepare our hearts in anticipation of the last trumpet. One glorious day, in the not-so-distant future, Yahshua will lift a cup of wine for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, and he will commence the pinnacle of all dining experiences with a toast to the Most High Majesty of the Universe. Messiah assured us that this magnificent event would not be compromised by those who had not prepared their garments in advance.
Shaul asserted that the Torah was our schoolmaster to lead us to Messiah. Yet, if we ignore the schoolmaster’s detailed instructions concerning Passover and its meticulous shadow pictures of good things to come, we will never comprehend why Israel was commanded to celebrate the Feasts of the LORDforever – nor will we ever appreciate the ramifications of Yahshua’s fulfillment of Passover or the eternal legality of our redemption.
This year, Michael Rood has elected to be in North America for his traditional Passover in Exile celebration. The past two years have seen packed out venues in both Argentina and South Africa as Lambs, Matzoh, and bitter herbs set the stage for a King’s Feast. Prepare your finest bib and tucker (or Jalibea and Talit, if you prefer ancient Israeli attire) for the dress-up event of a lifetime. Skimp on your wedding if you must. Cut corners on your 50th anniversary if necessary. Postpone your 100th birthday celebration if it interferes, but do not miss Passover in Exile in North America.
Passover is the pinnacle experience recorded in the Gospels, but few in the western Gentile world have a clue as to its beauty, depth, or prophetic significance. Understanding the Messianic significance of Passover opens the door to recognizing the prophetic fulfillment of each one of the Feasts of the LORD – including the book of the Revelation. Passover in Exile will change your perception of the Gospels and the Messiah forever. You, like thousands of others who have attended the non-traditional Passover Seder hosted by Michael Rood, will never be the same. If you desire to move on to the next level, then Charlotte is the place to be this Passover season.
*Quoted with permission from michaelrood.tv

The Chronological Gospels in the Light of the Torah - By Michael Rood

Hanukkah, the Feast of Lights, is not only the winter festival that Yahshua attended in Jerusalem despite attempts on his life, but it is the perfect celebration for those who have begun the arduous, yet joyful journey out the prison of man-made religion. Hanukkah reminds us of the reason for the season as we expose and root out pagan sun-worship activities surrounding the winter solstice – and we re-dedicate (hanukkah) our lives to the one who delivered us from the death grip of the pagan religious systems of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
Appropriately, Hanukkah 2010 was the setting for the long awaited teaching by Michael Rood entitled, The Chronological Gospels in the Light of the Torah. Michael invited his audience to peer into his lifetime work as he established the events of the Messiah’s life and his seventy-week ministry in exacting chronological order. Similar projects had been attempted many times over the past several hundred years, yet all had failed because of general misconceptions concerning the Creator’s reckoning of time and overall ignorance of the prophetic nature of the Feast of the LORD that Yahshua went up to Jerusalem to fulfill. After setting the stage for the past fifteen years with over 150 television programs burned into over 20 volumes on DVD, Michael takes us on the final path of the journey as the schoolmaster – the Torah leads us to the true Messiah who reveals the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Michael has labored for nearly forty years to perfect this unique perspective of the Scriptures, and Hanukkah – the Feast of Dedication – was the perfect time and season to re-dedicate himself to the task of articulating the “Gospel of the Messianic Kingdom” that Yahshua prophesied would be preached to the entire world in the last days.

This DVD Teaching is available now HERE

See other teachings by Michael Rood here: www.MichaelRood.tv